Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tracking Hours and Costs of Projects

Are you struggling to keep track of what is happening on each of the jobs you are working on?  Does your budget seem to run out, but you are not sure where.  Your tools for tracking costs could be what are inhibiting you from seeing this.  An efficient system for tracking time and costs will enable you to clearly see where money is being spent.  This could be from looking at where most of the time is being allocated to looking at items that have been brought in.  Clear visibility of costs and hours on jobs is going to show you the most profitable projects you are working on and allow you to do more of the same, instead of repeating projects that just aren’t making money.
Synergist is a leading Design Agency System for the creative sector and works on both PC’s and Mac’s.  It will also intergrate with most accounting systems so give us a call and help us make your business secure.