Monday, October 17, 2011

Frequently Used Computer Network Terminologies

Following are some of the basic terms mostly used for by Network guys for network setup.

Unlike internet, that is common and open to everyone throughout the globe, intranet is limited to and belongs to merely an office or particular organization and it is only accessible for the official users.

MAN – Metropolitan Area Network:
A network that is designed for a city or group of buildings operating at distance, it ranges from 2Km to 50Km away from each other.

SAN – Storage Area Network:
It is sorts of network that connect merely storage related devices for instance, file servers, that stores databases, applications, software, maintaining logs and so on…

VLAN – Virtual Local Area Network:
It is a kind of network where one LAN makes establish connection with another LAN without using direct physical communication medium.
These were just basic and important picks for now that will surely going to help you somehow in future but computer networking Los Angeles is intended you gift you more than this and no doubt, it will worth you.

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